google-site-verification: google0e688bd979c6ae6e.html The Preferred Life: Sep 19, 2019

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Are We So Self Absorbed That We Choose To Sacrifice The Basic Life Requirements That Our Children Need: Oxygen, Water, Food?

Greta Thunberg Testifies to Congress Over Climate Crisis
by:  Guardian News

Time:  2:01:27
Please listen and understand.  
One World is Enough for All of Us.  
Care About the World Around You.  
God has given us all that we need, and are we so thoughtless as not to be true caregivers of this world? 
Remember the 40 years in the desert--Read your bible.  
Know the true meaning of "In God We Trust."  
Out of the mouths of babes.  
As my daddy would say, "Got your ears on?"  
This affects all of us.  
Facts not fiction.  
Listen to science.
Are things disappearing around you?  Why?
As my mother would say, "Be willing to suffer the consequences of your actions."  
Be willing to put in the work.
You've got to go through it to get to it.
No oxygen, no water, no food:  Are we so caught up that we can't see?
Wake Up or It'll be too late.
Give Back.
Don't be so selfish.
Take a look at the man in the mirror.
What will you do?
