google-site-verification: google0e688bd979c6ae6e.html The Preferred Life: Oct 31, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me Something Good To Eat....

To all the ghosts and goblins, have fun.  Larger kids, look out for the smaller ones.  Drivers please be cautious when driving around residential neighborhoods.  Don't talk to strangers.

Chloe "The Cutest Cupcake"
Over the weekend, my sister-in-law had a wonderful gathering for all of our nieces and nephews.  The ages ranged from 2 to 16.  The house was decorated beautifully, she had every candy available, scary movies for all to enjoy, and also a wonderful spread for all to enjoy.
It's A Family Affair!  Happy Halloween

Kellene is the hostess with the mostess.  Truly a class act.  I wanted to share some photos of the cutest costumes and all of us gathering together once again.  It's great to capture moments like these.
I can't believe that I have great nieces and nephews.

Have Fun Everybody and Be Safe!