Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Introducing Jawan Mathis
Singing since the age of 2 or 3 in the choir at St. Anthony's Catholic Church in Savannah, GA, Jawan Mathis has pure, raw vocal talent. And according to his viewers' YouTube comments, the ladies don't think he's bad on the eyes either.
Jawan notes his mother, Angela Mathis and his grandfather, Moses as his biggest fans. They have inspired him to sing what he feels and to sing from the heart. His grandfather was the lead vocalist of The Gospel Crusaders. Though he never saw his grandfather perform, Jawan would listen to his taped recordings and try to imitate what he heard. In addition, his Aunt Frankie Mae Wright was a talented artist as a background singer for the group Parliament. Singing is definitely interwoven through several generations.
J.A.M.'s talent mirrors that of Maxwell and Trey Songz but definitely with his own eclectic spin and flavor. Mathis listens to old school crooners such as Sam Cook, Smokie Robinson, and Donny Hathaway. Noting that he is of a younger generation than his predecessors, Jawan adds musical genres of jazz, soul, r&b, hip-hop, gospel, and rock&roll into his vocal stylings.
As a keyboard musician, and learning to master the guitar, Jawan has been seen across the local and national stage. He's been on local television programs throughout Savannah and Atlanta, as well as "It's Showtime, At The Apollo" in Harlem, NY and the Ricky Smiley Show. With singing and entertaining in his blood, Jawan Mathis is ready to go to the next level. How does he get in front of the right people to make it happen?
I am also an admiring fan.
Let us know here at what you think of
Jawan's (J.A.M.) singing by leaving a comment!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
I'd like to wish all of you and your families a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. I have my grand-baby here with me visiting from Dallas, Texas. She is right by my side in every step that I take while trying to prepare a feast for the family. My husband and I are troopers. While the kids are out having a good time catching up with friends from high school and college, we're holding down the fort preparing our holiday meal. Sister-in-law and husband, Kellene and Johnny are passed out. My nephew Jimmy and his wife Wendy will be in from New York later this morning.
If I do brag myself, old hubby and I having a good time with a few cocktails in hand, listening to "Cruisin" by Smoky Robinson and dancing a cool two step. The feast is great. Let me tell you about the menu: Turkey, Crown Roast, Oyster Dressing, Pole Beans, Collard Greens, Giblet Gravy, Potato Salad, Macaroni & Cheese, Shrimp & Crab Crepes, House Salad, Oyster Roll, Sweet Potato Pie, Cheesecake, Pound Cake, Taylor Fladgate Tawny Port, Moscato, Iced Tea, Citrus Punch. Now that's just the meal. The hors d'oeuvres are pretty fantastic as well.
I am truly blessed to be loved. I love my family right back. Thank you Jesus. I wish you all love, peace, happiness, and understanding. Enjoy your time with family and friends making new memories and enjoying traditions of the past.
Happy Thanksgiving!
p.s. Pictures to follow soon.
If I do brag myself, old hubby and I having a good time with a few cocktails in hand, listening to "Cruisin" by Smoky Robinson and dancing a cool two step. The feast is great. Let me tell you about the menu: Turkey, Crown Roast, Oyster Dressing, Pole Beans, Collard Greens, Giblet Gravy, Potato Salad, Macaroni & Cheese, Shrimp & Crab Crepes, House Salad, Oyster Roll, Sweet Potato Pie, Cheesecake, Pound Cake, Taylor Fladgate Tawny Port, Moscato, Iced Tea, Citrus Punch. Now that's just the meal. The hors d'oeuvres are pretty fantastic as well.
I am truly blessed to be loved. I love my family right back. Thank you Jesus. I wish you all love, peace, happiness, and understanding. Enjoy your time with family and friends making new memories and enjoying traditions of the past.
Happy Thanksgiving!
p.s. Pictures to follow soon.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Happy Birthday Sheila
Tony & Sheila
A wonderful time was had by all. Long time family friend and business woman, Sheila Smith celebrated her 50th birthday on November 17, 2012. Gorgeous and stylish as always, Sheila held her gala at Spiveys Creations in Decatur, GA. With approximately six outfit changes, at least by my count, Sheila was beautiful all night. Donning Chanel, Gucci, and several local Atlanta-based designers, Sheila's style came shining through.
Derrick Spivey |
It was great to see old friends gather together to celebrate Sheila. We had a night filled with laughter, great food, cocktails, dancing to old school R&B classics, and reminiscing of days past. The event was surrounded by beautiful sculptures by musician, artist, and gallery owner Derrick Spivey.
Joe & Elza |
With Sheila's creative talents as a hair stylist and business woman and Derrick as an artist and musician, it's clear the collaboration was an ideal choice to hold this party. Sheila has been a hair stylist in the Atlanta area for decades. Specializing in hair design, personal styling and make-up artistry, Sheila is the successful owner of My Space Hair Studio. Derrick Spivey is metal sculpture artist, musician (Zendrum), and owner of Spiveys Creations. The large, well designed interior displays his eclectic taste in different mediums.
Sheila's husband, Anthony Smith, is a long time family friend and barber to the men in my family. As a master barber in Decatur, Tony has been a long time established businessman in Decatur also. Currently his spot is located at Beauty Exposed serving both women and men clients. Definitely top of the line.
Thanks to Tony and Sheila for a great time and more memories to add to the list. I also want to say again to dear friend Sheila Smith, Happy Birthday.
Tim & Valeta |
Monday, November 12, 2012
Honoring Our Veterans
Sergeant William H. Carney was born on February 29, 1840 in Norfolk, VA. He escaped slavery through the Underground Railroad and found his father living in Massachusetts. He and his father bought the rest of his family out of slavery. During the American Civil War, William enlisted with the Massachusetts Regiment after meeting a white man named William Carney, who gave him his last name so that he could enlist. Carney, of Company C, 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (colored) was the first African American to win the Congressional Medal of Honor. He earned the medal for action at Fort Wagner, SC on July 18, 1863. He received the Medal of Honor for saving the American flag and planting it on the parapet after being wounded several times. Upon returning to Union lines, he turned over the colors to another survivor of the 54th, saying “Boys, I only did my duty, the old flag never touched the ground.” The Medal of Honor was not issued to Sergeant William Harvey Carney until May 23, 1900, 37 years later.
Joseph Medicine Crow-High Bird was born October 27, 1913 near Lodge Grass, Montana. He is a renowned Crow historian, anthropologist, and author. Crow-High Bird joined the army, becoming a scout in the 103rd Infantry Division. He completed all four tasks required to become a War Chief while fighting in WWII. Those tasks included (1) disarming the German enemy and (2) defeating him in hand-to-hand combat, and he led a successful war party (3) stealing an enemy horse, (4) and made a midnight raid to steal horses from a battalion of German officers. He is the last member of the Crow tribe to become a War Chief. On June 25, 2008, he received two military decorations, the Bronze Star and the Lègion d’honneur. Senators Max Baucus, Jon Tester, and Mike Enzi introduced a bill to award him the Congressional Gold Medal; however, the bill did not garner the required sponsorship of two-thirds of the Senate to move forward Congressional Gold Medal legislation. On August 12, 2009, Joseph Medicine Crow-High Bird received the Presidential Medal of Freedom (the U.S.A.’s highest civilian honor) from President Barack Obama. Mr. Crow-High Bird turned 99 years old on October 27, 2012.
Senator Daniel Ken Inouye was born September 7, 1924 in Honolulu, HI. He is the senior United States Senator from Hawaii, a member of the Democratic Party, and the President pro tempore of the U.S. Senate making him the highest-ranking Asian American politician in U.S. history. At the age of 88, Inouye is the second-oldest current U.S. senator, after 88 year old Frank Lautenburg of New Jersey. He is also a WWII Medal of Honor recipient. Inouye was at the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941. When the U.S. Army dropped its ban on Japanese-Americans in 1943, Inouye enlisted in the Army. He was assigned to the Nisei 442nd Regimental Combat Team which is considered to be the most decorated infantry regiment in U.S. Army history. When fighting in France and Italy, two silver dollars, several grenades, and the Thompson submachine gun were Inouye’s weapons of choice. In the Vosges Mountains region of France, where his regiment was sent to relieve the Lost Battalion of the 141st Infantry Regiment, Inouye had 2 silver dollars stacked in his shirt pocket stopping a bullet from piercing his chest directly above the heart. During an assault led by Inouye on a ridge near San Terenzo in Tuscany, Italy, Germans opened fire from three covered positions and shot him in the stomach. Ignoring his wound, Inouye proceeded to attack and destroy the first gun nest with hand grenades and his Thompson submachine gun. Still refusing treatment, the second enemy gun post was destroyed by the 442nd. Crawling within 10 yards of the final German bunker, Inouye was shot in the right elbow which held his last, cocked grenade. With most of his arm severed, Inouye demanded that his soldiers keep back, and he pried the live grenade from his right hand with his left. As the German aimed his rifle to kill Inouye, he tossed the grenade with his left hand and destroyed the bunker. Inouye’s right arm was amputated in a field hospital without proper anesthesia. He had been given too much morphine and it was feared that any more would lower his blood pressure enough to kill him. While foregoing his career goals as a surgeon due to his war injuries, Senator Daniel Ken Inouye received his degree in Political Science under the GI Bill, followed by a law degree from George Washington University Law School.
This is how America was built! Thank you.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Thank You
Just wanted to say thanks to all of you that participated in the "$25 Cash Back & You Get Great Stuff" promotion offered by I hope that you enjoyed your shopping excursion. Please look for more offers coming soon where we continue to offer great deals from great retailers. Have a wonderful weekend.
Again, Thank You!
Again, Thank You!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Election Day! In God, We Trust!
It was cold and rainy this morning. Leaves were on the ground in beautiful shades of orange, red, yellow and brown. I left home around 6:40 am today to cast my ballot for the President of The United States Of America. Gospel was playing on my car radio. I needed a little spiritual uplifting this morning.
I have taken note that people have such polarizing views of where the nation stands today and where it should be headed. As I was driving to my polling location, I saw houses with foreclosure notices in the yard, people were walking in this nasty weather trying to get to their next destination, and the line was forming waiting for the polling center to open.
Upon taking my place in line, I saw folks standing in sandals, some with coats, some with umbrellas, children bundled up on mom or dad's hip, poll workers kindly offering coffee and doughnuts to knock off the chill. During the wait, I overheard small bits of conversation among those standing in line. People were talking about what documents they needed to have in hand to cast their vote, how one driver hit the pastor's parking space marker when trying to park his truck, and assisting a handicapped woman get to the front of the line as she just had knee surgery.
While in line at the polling precinct, my thoughts and prayers went out to the survivors of Hurricane Sandy. Some people are voting in tents as their polling locales were destroyed, not to think of their homes, and others had been offered the option to cast their ballots online. In these super-storm areas, some have to wait for hours, or go out of state, just to get a tank of gas so they can get to the polls today. I admire their resiliency.
Obama and Romney have scurried between different states, during the last hours of campaigning, trying to emphasize why they should be the next Commander-In-Chief. Options have been presented to the American People via debate, campaign ads, interviews, previous work history, and today, We The People, make our voices heard in the booth.
I know these are trying times right now for a lot of people, but please get to the polls the best way you can. Cast your ballot for your candidate of choice, and cast your ballot with conviction. According to history, this is not the first time Americans have been challenged with hard economic times, and I do not think that it will be the last. Keep the faith.
And believe it or not, while writing this post, I am listening to the gospel song "Smile" by Kirk Franklin. This song was on the 2011 album "Hello Fear." So to all of those reading this entry, and going through tough times on this Election Day, say hello to fear with a smile. In God, We Trust.
I have taken note that people have such polarizing views of where the nation stands today and where it should be headed. As I was driving to my polling location, I saw houses with foreclosure notices in the yard, people were walking in this nasty weather trying to get to their next destination, and the line was forming waiting for the polling center to open.
Upon taking my place in line, I saw folks standing in sandals, some with coats, some with umbrellas, children bundled up on mom or dad's hip, poll workers kindly offering coffee and doughnuts to knock off the chill. During the wait, I overheard small bits of conversation among those standing in line. People were talking about what documents they needed to have in hand to cast their vote, how one driver hit the pastor's parking space marker when trying to park his truck, and assisting a handicapped woman get to the front of the line as she just had knee surgery.
While in line at the polling precinct, my thoughts and prayers went out to the survivors of Hurricane Sandy. Some people are voting in tents as their polling locales were destroyed, not to think of their homes, and others had been offered the option to cast their ballots online. In these super-storm areas, some have to wait for hours, or go out of state, just to get a tank of gas so they can get to the polls today. I admire their resiliency.
Obama and Romney have scurried between different states, during the last hours of campaigning, trying to emphasize why they should be the next Commander-In-Chief. Options have been presented to the American People via debate, campaign ads, interviews, previous work history, and today, We The People, make our voices heard in the booth.
I know these are trying times right now for a lot of people, but please get to the polls the best way you can. Cast your ballot for your candidate of choice, and cast your ballot with conviction. According to history, this is not the first time Americans have been challenged with hard economic times, and I do not think that it will be the last. Keep the faith.
And believe it or not, while writing this post, I am listening to the gospel song "Smile" by Kirk Franklin. This song was on the 2011 album "Hello Fear." So to all of those reading this entry, and going through tough times on this Election Day, say hello to fear with a smile. In God, We Trust.
Monday, November 5, 2012
4 Days Left For The "$25 Cash Back And You Get Great Stuff"
Don't forget that the "$25 Cash Back And You Get Great Stuff" offer ends on Friday, November 9, 2012. When you buy product(s) totaling $175 or more from a retailer shown on the right side of this blog, will give you $25 cash back with proof of purchase. You get great gifts for the holidays, a birthday, or that special occasion from a great group of retailers. You have the choice of custom golf clubs for your husband, romantic travel excursions, educational gifts for the teacher or student, electronic gifts or toys for yourself or the kids, or fine jewelry for that special someone, and a whole lot more. Plus, remember to take advantage of the great discounts and free shipping for all the items that you purchase. Browse around at your leisure to find the special items for those that are special in your life.
Thanks to you all and have fun.
Thanks to you all and have fun.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Will You Be Home For The Holidays? Ask For OneSky Jets
Families have begun to make travel plans for the holidays. Some will be flying, driving, taking the train or the bus. Schedules are being made for holiday gatherings. Everyone will be coordinating who will pick up whom from the station, or the airport. We may find ourselves scurrying about at the last minute to make for the perfect celebration. OneSky Jets is another travel option to make preparing for the festivities more pleasurable. Friends have raved about their timeliness, professionalism, and devotion to client safety. Take a moment to review how OneSky Jets exceeds customer expectations.
OneSky Jets elevates your expectations of private jet travel by offering an unparalleled selection of private jets, features, and amenities. We have streamlined the online process of finding the right private jet to meet your travel needs with accurate quotes and immediate trip confirmations.
Our aircraft are operated by a select group of FAA Certified Part 135 Air Carriers that meet FAA requirements and the stringent guidelines established by OneSky Jets. Our planes include light, midsize, and heavy jets, and turbo props. Detailed information is provided on each vehicle make and model, base airports, along with photographs, amenities, and more.
On top of providing quality aircraft, OneSky Jets is committed to safety. Our air charter operators are carefully selected from the best in the nation. They hold a minimum Gold Rating from The Aviation Research Group/US. In addition, many are inspected and are rated by the FSF and Wyvern. For extra security, OneSky Jets uses the ARG/US TripCHEQ service to assess every plane, pilot and carrier before each launch. We also provide clients with information on safety equipment and liability insurance for every aircraft before each flight.
OneSky Jets works diligently to provide you with an excellent flight experience on superior private jets. We thoroughly examine all potential carriers. We also work with a variety of professional businesses to exceed your expectations and discriminating taste. Every service that you require is attended to by the best regional caterers, luxury ground-transportation companies, and the finest hotels, resorts, and spas. Our flight consultants aim to anticipate your needs and provide delightful service, whether answering a simple question, or coordinating a complex travel schedule.
When time is money, OneSky Jets is the most efficient and economical form of travel. We are less expensive than full or fractional jet ownership, or flight card programs. OneSky Jets has engineered the least expensive program in the industry by developing complex algorithms that remove empty legs from the private jet equation, which lowers the cost for clients in the process. Try the OneSky Jets pricing model. Create your own “Flight Plan” using OneSky Jets tools to take advantage of our breakthrough pricing system.
Fly our luxury aircraft, safely and with true value.
Take advantage of the promotion going on now through November 9, 2012 to get cash back from
Wishing you all wonderful and magical times.
It's our pleasure!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween
Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me Something Good To Eat....
To all the ghosts and goblins, have fun. Larger kids, look out for the smaller ones. Drivers please be cautious when driving around residential neighborhoods. Don't talk to strangers.
Over the weekend, my sister-in-law had a wonderful gathering for all of our nieces and nephews. The ages ranged from 2 to 16. The house was decorated beautifully, she had every candy available, scary movies for all to enjoy, and also a wonderful spread for all to enjoy.
Kellene is the hostess with the mostess. Truly a class act. I wanted to share some photos of the cutest costumes and all of us gathering together once again. It's great to capture moments like these.
I can't believe that I have great nieces and nephews.
To all the ghosts and goblins, have fun. Larger kids, look out for the smaller ones. Drivers please be cautious when driving around residential neighborhoods. Don't talk to strangers.
Chloe "The Cutest Cupcake" |
![]() |
Kellene is the hostess with the mostess. Truly a class act. I wanted to share some photos of the cutest costumes and all of us gathering together once again. It's great to capture moments like these.
I can't believe that I have great nieces and nephews.
Have Fun Everybody and Be Safe!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Entrelobos (Among Wolves)...based on a true story
"Forty five years after he was caught by the Guards, Marcos remains certain that he's learned little from men and feels that nothing holds as much truth as the years he spent living among wolves."
Can you imagine what it feels like to be sold off at seven years old by your parents to live in a cave with a stranger? This was the hand dealt to Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja after he and his brother Juanillo lost five goats following an attack by a pack of wolves. Unconcerned with their children's safety, his parents immediately disposed of Marcos to a wealthy landowner (Honesto) as repayment for the loss of the goats.
Distraught over being separated from his family, scared to death to live with a lone goatherd, Marcos survived in the Sierra Morena Mountains of Cordoba, Spain from 1954-1965. Atanasio, the goatherd, was Marquitos saving grace before losing his life to illness. He advised the young boy to never let the fire go out and he taught Marquito how to appreciate and survive in the mountains, through trapping, fishing, hunting, and how to heal ailments with herbs and prepare a splint for his self and the animals alike.
The most impactful lesson Atanasio taught Marquito was to give back. Following his death, Marquito learned to survive by trial and error in the mountains for 12 years. His own discovery of making fire came about with his frustration of trying to find food. He saw the spark when throwing a rock against a boulder. His wolf pack brothers, a watchful owl, a rabbit-seeking ferret, and the always hidden civet cat, provided the young boy with companionship as they gave to one another when in need.
During his journey of trying to live day-to-day, Marcos' heart was never tainted by the ill treatment from his parents, the wealthy landowner, or the overseer that carried out the landowner's commands. Mr. Pantoja, at the age of 19, was returned to civilization in 1965 when caught by Spain's Guardia Civil. Now in his 60s, Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja returns to the Sierra Morena Mountains to visit and find peace among wolves.
Written and directed by Gerardo Olivares, Entrelobos has a stunning cast including Manuel Camacho and Sancho Gracia. Their bond and ability to overcome life's earlier misfortunes made for a wonderful relationship. Each of them filled a void in the other's life.
The movie struck several cords with me and I thought you would enjoy it too.
My pleasure!
Can you imagine what it feels like to be sold off at seven years old by your parents to live in a cave with a stranger? This was the hand dealt to Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja after he and his brother Juanillo lost five goats following an attack by a pack of wolves. Unconcerned with their children's safety, his parents immediately disposed of Marcos to a wealthy landowner (Honesto) as repayment for the loss of the goats.
Distraught over being separated from his family, scared to death to live with a lone goatherd, Marcos survived in the Sierra Morena Mountains of Cordoba, Spain from 1954-1965. Atanasio, the goatherd, was Marquitos saving grace before losing his life to illness. He advised the young boy to never let the fire go out and he taught Marquito how to appreciate and survive in the mountains, through trapping, fishing, hunting, and how to heal ailments with herbs and prepare a splint for his self and the animals alike.
The most impactful lesson Atanasio taught Marquito was to give back. Following his death, Marquito learned to survive by trial and error in the mountains for 12 years. His own discovery of making fire came about with his frustration of trying to find food. He saw the spark when throwing a rock against a boulder. His wolf pack brothers, a watchful owl, a rabbit-seeking ferret, and the always hidden civet cat, provided the young boy with companionship as they gave to one another when in need.
During his journey of trying to live day-to-day, Marcos' heart was never tainted by the ill treatment from his parents, the wealthy landowner, or the overseer that carried out the landowner's commands. Mr. Pantoja, at the age of 19, was returned to civilization in 1965 when caught by Spain's Guardia Civil. Now in his 60s, Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja returns to the Sierra Morena Mountains to visit and find peace among wolves.
Written and directed by Gerardo Olivares, Entrelobos has a stunning cast including Manuel Camacho and Sancho Gracia. Their bond and ability to overcome life's earlier misfortunes made for a wonderful relationship. Each of them filled a void in the other's life.
The movie struck several cords with me and I thought you would enjoy it too.
My pleasure!
Friday, October 26, 2012
$25 Cash Back and You Get Great Stuff!
I just wanted to make you aware of a few sales that are going on this weekend. In addition, I have an incentive for you to sweeten the pot even more than the great deals available now. I'll get back to that in a minute. All of the retailers on this website are offering great products at great prices. Here are two.
Best Buy- 2 Day Sale
Enjoy cooler days with hot deals, and special offers.
Get unbelievable savings on the year's hottest new operating system
Windows 8, plus free shipping. October 26-27!
Friday - Sunday Only: Save $200 on Select Windows 8 Touchscreen
Computers Exclusively at Plus Free Shipping.
Belle & Clive
Save Now on these Luxury Designers for Her, Him, and the Kids.
Belle & Clive request the pleasure of your company.
Belle & Clive request the pleasure of your company.
Enjoy top of the line items with huge savings on the brands listed below.
Free Shipping and Free Returns. Everyday!
Now back to the sweetened pot. I love to talk about all things good in life. The holidays are coming and I thought you could take advantage of these truly amazing deals. Who couldn't use saving a few extra dollars while getting great stuff? So here it is. The first 5 people that join my Followers, register with our listed retailers through by clicking an image on the right, purchase items from the retailers websites, and confirm proof of a sale of $175 or more, will receive $25 cash back from me.
Hurry up and shop!
This special offer ends November 9, 2012.
Hurry up and shop!
This special offer ends November 9, 2012.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
"Mammie's House"
Monday, October 1, 2012
Santa Claus is coming...
October 1, 2012 is here. There are less than 100 days left in 2012. A lot of us are recovering from summer vacation and getting the kids and ourselves back in school, and now the holidays are around the corner. We have Halloween, the Presidential Election, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's coming. After that's all said and done, the tax man will be gearing up.
The holidays are a great time of gathering with family and friends for festivities and creating great memories. I know a lot of us have had rough times due to economics, jobs, mortgages, taxes, insurance, etc, etc, etc. Trying to keep things in the middle of the road is no easy task. We love our families and try to make things better than we had it as kids. Everything in my life is much faster than it used to be. We look for ways to make life more convenient for ourselves and our families. The new iPhone 5 created a frenzy with people standing in lines before dawn to put their hands on this new, sleek technology.
Having said that, we know the gadgets, toys, clothes, computers, and phones, can empty a bank account quickly or run credit card bills through the roof. So now is the time to get ready to get ready. I have added a few new links to great companies that help our kids stay on their A-game while in school and offer some pretty attractive prices at the same time. I have even found a few things that keep me connected to the 21st century. Please register on the sites, browse around, take advantage of the savings and free shipping, but don't break the bank. Enjoy!
The holidays are a great time of gathering with family and friends for festivities and creating great memories. I know a lot of us have had rough times due to economics, jobs, mortgages, taxes, insurance, etc, etc, etc. Trying to keep things in the middle of the road is no easy task. We love our families and try to make things better than we had it as kids. Everything in my life is much faster than it used to be. We look for ways to make life more convenient for ourselves and our families. The new iPhone 5 created a frenzy with people standing in lines before dawn to put their hands on this new, sleek technology.
Having said that, we know the gadgets, toys, clothes, computers, and phones, can empty a bank account quickly or run credit card bills through the roof. So now is the time to get ready to get ready. I have added a few new links to great companies that help our kids stay on their A-game while in school and offer some pretty attractive prices at the same time. I have even found a few things that keep me connected to the 21st century. Please register on the sites, browse around, take advantage of the savings and free shipping, but don't break the bank. Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012 Is My Baby... is my baby and has been a great outlet
to share my thoughts with you. It has
revealed the little simplicities of life that I enjoy. Topics have included my passions for jewelry
design, photography, gardening, cooking, entertaining, travel, family and
relationships, and my love for all things associated with the beach.
Yes, I am a country girl and proud of it. My parents played an intricate role in the
shaping of my personality, making me who I am.
Mommy (yes, I will refer to her as Mommy ‘til my dying day) was a class
act in everything that she did.
Professional and caring as a registered nurse serving our country’s
veterans, Mommy was also a class act when it came to caring for and entertaining
family and friends. Her culinary skills
and flair for style were impeccable.
Always a lady, she had the great talent of positively impacting everyone
that she encountered. From teaching
someone how to create a great table-setting for their first dinner party, to
making everyone feel welcomed and comfortable, Mommy also had the talent of
educating and scolding someone at the same time without belittling them. A skill that I am still trying to fine tune.
Now, Daddy was cut from a different cloth all together. Loud, boisterous, and adventurous, he had a real
zest for life. He would cuss you up one
side and down the other while giving you the shirt off his back all at the same
time. A proud serviceman for the U. S.
Army, Daddy was a man’s man. He was an
avid history buff, loved the great outdoors and all things related to sports. While on summer vacations, Daddy cultivated
my love for traveling, fishing, farming, hunting, eating, and taking my shot in
life. He would tell me “We live in the
only country, where an orphan can become President.” Other great verses of his included, “Don’t
have a whale appetite and minnow ass,”
“Remember, you aren’t the only one that has a dream,” “Pace yourself, if you want to win,” “They
ain’t making no more land,” and “You only get one life, you best go for yours.”
Now Mommy and Daddy have gone on to that Great Watermelon
Patch in the Sky. But today they were
weighing heavy on my mind, and I wanted to dedicate this post to them. I had the greatest parents in the world, and
I thank God for them. They truly loved
me. The lessons they taught me still
stir in my heart today, but things are different now. I’m not as young as I used to be. I am not a little girl anymore, but still a little
girl at heart. I’m country and
fabulous. Thank God, I have a job, but I
want to be the President of my own destiny.
I love my family and friends, but I want to trek into new
territory. Now what in the world this
new territory looks like, I have no earthly idea. Ideally, I’d like to live in Europe again,
let my work be photography and jewelry design, make money on the internet, shadow
some of the greatest fashion designers for a year, have Santana teach me to play guitar, help kids in some way, spend
time learning from old folks, travel and see America by train, shop, eat at
fine restaurants and write about them, take a 6 month cooking or jewelry design
class in France or Italy, run a food truck, smile at somebody and say, "Good Morning" and they do the same in return, and there's plenty more I'd like to add to the list.
Over the last few months, I have been reading a lot of
books, articles, magazines and blogs, trying to figure this all out, and Marie
Forleo has kept me going. Her approach
is cool and funky. Thank goodness cause
these other guys bore me to death in about 3 seconds flat. She has her RHH Live conference at Donna Karan’s
Urban Zen center next month in New
York . If you
can get in, I recommend that you go. She
has given me the encouragement and where-with-all to become the metamorphic
butterfly that I want to be.
So with that said, I am making some changes and
has now partnered with
The goal is to continue sharing with you little treasures that make life
memorable and fun, but turn things up a notch. is a website that allows you to take advantage of a
few fruits that make life a little more enjoyable. The site allows you to shop for top of the
line deals, and as the website name suggests, we want you to have a great time,
browse the site with friends and family, comment on the articles written and a
have cocktail or two. Enjoy!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
"Emerald Opulence"
These photos are of my latest design called "Emerald Opulence." It's a 22 inch handcrafted necklace made of Swarovski crystals, sterling silver star spacers, lime green jasper, and a sterling lobster claw clasp. Photography of this piece gave me a run for my money. I have reviewed approximately 110 shots trying to display this piece as gracefully as possible. I think it's quite beautiful and elegant. Let me know if you like it.
Thanks, Valeta
Monday, June 4, 2012
My Little Container Garden of Inspiration
Bell peppers, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, chives, and strawberries have all delivered decent yields this year. In mid-March, I started planting my container garden from little seedlings. Patiently watering, weeding, and feeding my plants have changed my patio into a little oasis. Daily over the last 3 months, I would fill my water baths for the birds in the morning, and look over the plants for bigger leaves, strengthening stems, and budding flowers.
The blooming flowers were beautiful, vibrant shades of yellow and a crisp white. Every now and then I would fry some squash flowers for a tasty treat.
Since the winter was mild, spring was a wonderful time for early planting and perfect temperatures gave the plants a good start. March in Atlanta had average temps of the mid to upper seventies. Not too hot and not too cold during this year's growing season. I hoped for more rain as a natural water source for my container garden. I've been told the water from the hose contains chlorine and rainwater is a much better natural resource for gardens.
With the days growing longer and warmer weather, the patio has also been a haven of inspiration. Looking through the patio door, birds would fly by and stop for a drink of water, a bath, or to steal a piece of fruit. I don't mind sharing. I've seen everything from robins, sparrows, brown thrashers, cardinals, blue-jays, doves, quail, hawks and owls. The songs they sing are serene to me. The bird feeder we installed seems to have been dominated by the aggressive squirrel family more than the birds. They have shaken, rattled, and rolled the feeder so hard that it has been ripped from the tree branches and the birds settle for the dropped leftovers.
Listening to the birds singing in the trees, watching the squirrel family cut a path through the backyard, and catching a glimpse of bunnies darting across the yard have given me inspiration to create new things and trailblaze new and unfamiliar territory: new jewelry designs and adapting my photographs into postcards.
I want to be practical, plan accordingly, and make the best decisions for my family and my business. I have hopes and dreams for my business. The balancing act of a full-time job, a family, and not enough time in the day to dedicate to my business to help it grow is the subject at hand for me. Am I too old at the age of 46 to go after, or even still have a dream? What do you think?
My daddy used to say America is the only place where an orphan can become President of the United States. I too believe in this philosophy. America, where I live, is the land of opportunity, but in reality, wherever anyone lives, LIFE will throw you a curve ball.
Writing this blog is my therapy session. I makes me think. Tough questions are being asked, pondered, and definitive answers have to be delivered. This is where I am right now. I bow my head and whisper intensely, "Lord help me, please!"
Bell peppers, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, chives, and strawberries have all delivered decent yields this year. In mid-March, I started planting my container garden from little seedlings. Patiently watering, weeding, and feeding my plants have changed my patio into a little oasis. Daily over the last 3 months, I would fill my water baths for the birds in the morning, and look over the plants for bigger leaves, strengthening stems, and budding flowers.
The blooming flowers were beautiful, vibrant shades of yellow and a crisp white. Every now and then I would fry some squash flowers for a tasty treat.
Since the winter was mild, spring was a wonderful time for early planting and perfect temperatures gave the plants a good start. March in Atlanta had average temps of the mid to upper seventies. Not too hot and not too cold during this year's growing season. I hoped for more rain as a natural water source for my container garden. I've been told the water from the hose contains chlorine and rainwater is a much better natural resource for gardens.
With the days growing longer and warmer weather, the patio has also been a haven of inspiration. Looking through the patio door, birds would fly by and stop for a drink of water, a bath, or to steal a piece of fruit. I don't mind sharing. I've seen everything from robins, sparrows, brown thrashers, cardinals, blue-jays, doves, quail, hawks and owls. The songs they sing are serene to me. The bird feeder we installed seems to have been dominated by the aggressive squirrel family more than the birds. They have shaken, rattled, and rolled the feeder so hard that it has been ripped from the tree branches and the birds settle for the dropped leftovers.
Listening to the birds singing in the trees, watching the squirrel family cut a path through the backyard, and catching a glimpse of bunnies darting across the yard have given me inspiration to create new things and trailblaze new and unfamiliar territory: new jewelry designs and adapting my photographs into postcards.
I want to be practical, plan accordingly, and make the best decisions for my family and my business. I have hopes and dreams for my business. The balancing act of a full-time job, a family, and not enough time in the day to dedicate to my business to help it grow is the subject at hand for me. Am I too old at the age of 46 to go after, or even still have a dream? What do you think?
My daddy used to say America is the only place where an orphan can become President of the United States. I too believe in this philosophy. America, where I live, is the land of opportunity, but in reality, wherever anyone lives, LIFE will throw you a curve ball.
Writing this blog is my therapy session. I makes me think. Tough questions are being asked, pondered, and definitive answers have to be delivered. This is where I am right now. I bow my head and whisper intensely, "Lord help me, please!"
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Hey Everybody,
I've been getting bills paid, working on my container garden and on a few new jewelry pieces to go out on soon. Spring cleaning of what I call my southern cape cod home has been a little inspirational. I am ready for the summer, and fun times on the beaches of Tybee with my nieces and nephews. With all the spring cleaning, things are now sparkly and new again. Over the last couple of weeks, I helped to rescue a baby bird after severe thunderstorms came through, made the discovery of some baby bunnies burrowing under tree branches piled up in the yard after trimming a few tree limbs, and came across a frog and lizard which I have not seen in the back yard for years. Just like spring cleaning makes you feel rejuvenated, so do the baby animals that I discovered a few weeks ago. I have my mojo back, cause I like my new bracelet and earring designs. Photos and information about my other projects will be posted soon. Missed writing and talking with you. Don't want to stay away so long anymore. See you after while.
I've been getting bills paid, working on my container garden and on a few new jewelry pieces to go out on soon. Spring cleaning of what I call my southern cape cod home has been a little inspirational. I am ready for the summer, and fun times on the beaches of Tybee with my nieces and nephews. With all the spring cleaning, things are now sparkly and new again. Over the last couple of weeks, I helped to rescue a baby bird after severe thunderstorms came through, made the discovery of some baby bunnies burrowing under tree branches piled up in the yard after trimming a few tree limbs, and came across a frog and lizard which I have not seen in the back yard for years. Just like spring cleaning makes you feel rejuvenated, so do the baby animals that I discovered a few weeks ago. I have my mojo back, cause I like my new bracelet and earring designs. Photos and information about my other projects will be posted soon. Missed writing and talking with you. Don't want to stay away so long anymore. See you after while.
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